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Viola Frey in Studio 4, 1964

Viola Frey, in Studio 4. California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, 1964

CCA/C subject: Faculty and students at work
Person(s) depicted: Frey, Viola, 1933-2004
Status: Live|Last updated:March 31, 2022 11:25 AM
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View toward Clifton, behind Studio 4 and Studio 5

View looking toward Clifton Street, walkway behind Studio 4 (B Building / Crafts Building) and Studio 5 (Woodworking Shop / Facilities Building). CCAC Oakland campus, 1965.

Status: Live|Last updated:April 12, 2021 9:01 AM
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Studio 4 (B Building / Crafts Building), 1970

Southwest end of Studio 4, showing the arm of the building that housed the kiln. Studio 4 is earlier known as Crafts Building and later known as B Building. CCAC Oakland campus, 1970.

Status: Live|Last updated:April 1, 2021 11:00 AM
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Southwest arm of Studio 4 with mural of glass blower, 1973

Southwest end of Studio 4, showing the arm of the building that housed the kiln and the mural of a glass blower. Studio 4 is earlier known as Crafts Building and later known as B Building. CCAC Oakland campus, 1973.

Status: Live|Last updated:April 1, 2021 9:08 AM
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Southwest arm of Studio 4 where the kiln was housed, 1973

Southwest end of Studio 4, showing the arm of the building that housed the kiln and part of the mural. Studio 4 is earlier known as Crafts Building and later known as B Building. CCAC Oakland campus, 1973.

Status: Live|Last updated:March 31, 2021 12:51 PM
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Studio 4 (B Building / Crafts Building), 1973

Southwest end of Studio 4, showing the arm of the building that housed the kiln and a "Glass Arts" sign on the lower door. Studio 4 is earlier known as Crafts Building and later known as B Building. CCAC Oakland campus, 1973.

Status: Live|Last updated:March 31, 2021 10:46 AM
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Studio 4 (B Building / Crafts Building), 1970

Southwest side of Studio 4, looking towards Clifton Street. Studio 4 is earlier known as Crafts Building and later known as B Building. CCAC Oakland campus, 1970.

Status: Live|Last updated:March 31, 2021 10:02 AM
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Studio 4 (B Building / Crafts Building) circa 1970

Studio 4, CCAC Oakland campus, circa 1970. Studio 4 is earlier known as Crafts Building and later known as B Building.

Status: Live|Last updated:March 31, 2021 9:45 AM
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